Syllabus & M1

Creativity, Innovation & Business Development  (CIBD)

BBA1FM105 MDC/MDE 1 – Creativity, Innovation & Business Development 45 3 3 25 50 75 

Course Summary

This course explores the intersections of creativity, innovation, and business development, focusing on how these elements combine to spark new ideas, drive technological advancements, and create sustainable business models in a competitive global marketplace. Students will engage with concepts from design thinking, lean startup methodologies, and disruptive innovation theories to understand how businesses can innovate products, services, and processes. Through a blend of lectures, case studies, hands-on projects, and guest speakers, participants will learn to harness their creative potential, apply innovative thinking, and develop practical strategies for business growth and development. 

M1 - Understanding Creativity

M1 - Understanding Creativity

1. Creativity: Nature, Concepts, and Meaning


The Nature of Creativity

Concepts Related to Creativity

The Meaning of Creativity


2. Creativity skills & personal qualities.

Creativity and personal qualities are interconnected and often reinforce each other. By developing both your skills and qualities, you can enhance your creative potential and achieve greater success in all areas of your life.

Creativity Skills

Personal Qualities

Elon Musk

Creativity Skills:

Personal Qualities:

Role of Creativity in Business

Creativity acts as the spark that ignites innovation, fueling business development and growth. In today's competitive landscape, businesses that can tap into their creative potential have a significant advantage.

Here's how creativity plays a vital role:

Examples of the Role of Creativity in Business

These examples showcase how creativity can manifest in various ways to drive business success. Whether through product design, business models, marketing campaigns, or corporate culture, fostering a creative mindset can lead to innovation, differentiation, and sustainable growth.

Role Playing 

Role playing involves simulating real-world business scenarios where participants take on different roles to:

Possible role play scenarios:

Benefits of role playing:

Tips for effective role playing:

Role playing can be a valuable tool for bringing the concepts of creativity, innovation, and business development to life. By actively participating in simulated business scenarios, participants can gain practical experience, develop critical skills, and deepen their understanding of how to apply these concepts in the real world.


Incubation is the process of nurturing and developing an idea or a startup from its early stages until it becomes a viable and sustainable business. It involves providing resources, mentorship, and guidance to entrepreneurs to help them overcome challenges, validate their business model, and achieve product-market fit.

Importance of Incubation:

Types of Incubation Programs:

Key Components of Incubation:

Benefits of Incubation for Entrepreneurs:

Incubation & Incubators

Incubation and Incubators

Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a visual thinking tool that helps you organize and structure information in a way that mirrors how your brain naturally processes thoughts. It involves creating a diagram with a central concept or idea at its core, and then branching out to related ideas, subtopics, and details. This non-linear approach allows for greater flexibility and encourages connections between seemingly disparate concepts, fostering creativity and enhancing memory retention. 

How to Go About It

Mind Mapping Tools:

Benefits of Mind Mapping:

The key to effective mind mapping is to keep it simple, flexible, and personalized. Let your ideas flow freely and embrace the visual connections that emerge.

plan a trip using this visual tool:

Central Idea: Trip to [Destination]

Main Branches:


BBA1FM105 MDC/MDE 1 – Creativity, Innovation & Business Development 45 3 3 25 50 75 

M3 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 

M4 Business Development through Entrepreneurship 

Assessment Rubrics:

Mode of Assessment – CCA (Continuous Comprehensive Assessment) -

Summative Assessment (SA)

a. Written test

b. Open book test

c. Laboratory report

d. Problem based assignments

e. Individual project report

f. Case study report

g. Team project report

h. Literature survey

i. Standardized Test

Formative Assessment (FA)

l. Practical Assignment

m. Viva

n. Quiz

o. Interview


p. Class Discussion

q. Seminar

r. Group Tutorial work

s. Home assignments

t. Self and peer Assessments

u. Oral presentations

v. Observation of practical skills


1. Rao, M. S. (2014). Unlocking Creativity: How to Solve Any Problem and Make the

Best Decisions by Shifting Creative Mindsets. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd.

2. Srivastava, S. C., & Sharma, P. (2018). Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and

Principles in the Indian Context. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd.

3. Drucker, P. (1985) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practices and Principles. Harper

& Row, New York.