
Module II 

Unit 1 Basic Anatomy: Definition and terminologies, Gross Anatomy, Skeletal system - Bones and Joints, Muscles- Skeletal and brief understanding of smooth and cardiac muscles. 

Unit 2 Basic Physiology: Definition and terminologies, Major systems- Circulatory system,  Digestive system, Musculoskeletal system, Nervous system, Respiratory system. 

Unit 3 Exercise Physiology: Definition, Physiological response to exercise- Circulatory and  Respiratory, Temperature regulation and effect of environment, Physiological factors affecting performance, Training Physiology (Effect of VO2 Max and strength) 

Unit 4 Exercise Biochemistry: Biochemistry basics, including metabolism of macro molecules, vitamins and minerals, Basics to explore neural control of movement and muscle activity,  Exercise metabolism related to carbohydrates, lipids, and protein 

Unit 5 Sports Nutrition: Macro and micronutrients Why is nutrition important? Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins and Minerals, hydration. Pre, during and post-exercise nutrition. 

Basic Anatomy: definition & Terminologies

The human body is a complex and fascinating structure composed of various systems that work together to sustain life. Understanding the basic anatomy of the human body provides insight into its remarkable functions and capabilities.

The human body can be divided into several major regions:

The human body is composed of various organ systems, each performing specific functions:

Understanding the basic anatomy of the human body provides a foundation for comprehending its complex functions, maintaining health, and appreciating the intricate design that enables us to live, move, and interact with the world around us.

Gross anatomy

Gross anatomy, also known as macroscopic anatomy or topographical anatomy, is the branch of anatomy that deals with the study of biological structures that are visible to the naked eye. This means structures that can be seen without the use of a microscope.

Gross anatomy can be studied through:

Gross anatomy helps us understand the larger structures of organs and organ systems, their relationships, and how they work together to maintain the functions of life. It is a fundamental subject for medical professionals, biologists, and anyone interested in the structure and function of living organisms.

Skeletal system - Bones and Joints

What are bones, muscles and joints?

Bones, muscles and joints make up the musculoskeletal system, along with cartilage, tendons and ligaments. This system gives your body its structure and support, lets you move around and protects important organs.

Injuries and many illnesses can damage bones, muscles and joints.

Parts of the musculoskeletal system

There are many different elements that make up the musculoskeletal system:

What is the role of bones in the human body?

Bones give people shape. They hold your body upright and protect internal organs (like the heart and the liver) from injury and help you to move.

Bones are strong tissues made of collagen (a protein that forms a flexible framework) and calcium phosphate (a mineral that makes them strong and hard).

Most bone growth happens during your childhood and teenage years. 

The spine or vertebral column is the central support of your body, helping you walk, move, twist and bend. It has 33 bones called vertebrae, separated by discs. It carries all the nerve signals from the brain to the rest of the body and sensory input from the body back to the brain.

What is the role of muscles in the human body?

There are 3 different types of muscle, each with different functions that help your body move and function well. These are:

Skeletal muscle

Skeletal muscle is a voluntary muscle, which means that you can consciously control its movement. As well as helping you to move, these muscles also help generate heat in the body, protect organs and help maintain your posture.

Skeletal muscles are usually attached to the bone by tendons. When you want to move, your brain tells a muscle to contract, it shortens, pulling one bone towards another across a joint. Skeletal muscles work in pairs — when one shortens, a corresponding muscle lengthens. For example, when you contract your bicep on the front of your upper arm, your tricep on the back of your upper arm lengthens.

Physical activity maintains or increases the strength of your muscles.

Smooth muscle

Smooth muscle is found inside blood vessels and organs like the intestines. You can’t consciously control smooth muscle — these muscles are contract and relax often without you even realising they are working. For example, smooth muscles contract to move food and stool through your digestive system and in your arteries and veins to help regulate your blood pressure.

Cardiac muscle

The heart is made of special muscle called cardiac muscle. You can’t control it consciously. It contracts to make your heart beat, and is controlled by your heart’s inbuilt pacemaker — the sinoatrial node.

What is the role of joints in the human body?

Joints connect between the bones, and allow them to move. There are three different types of joints:

What are synovial joints?

Synovial joints are the most common type of joints and are found in your arms and legs. The ends of your bones are covered with cartilage and separated by the joint cavity, which is filled with a thick gel called synovial fluid. Synovial fluid helps to lubricate the cartilage and provides nourishment.

What are cartilaginous joints?

Joints in the spine, pelvis and between the ribs and the sternum are cartilaginous joints. They provide more stability but not as much movement. The bones are connected by cartilage in this type of joint.

What are fibrous joints?

Fibrous joints allow no movement — just stability. They are held together by strong fibrous connective tissue. You have fibrous joints in your skull.

Conditions and injuries affect the bones

Many conditions can affect your joints. Arthritis, which is characterised by joint pain and stiffness, is one of the most common. Different types of arthritis have different causes. Some conditions that can affect the joints are:

Muscles- Skeletal and brief understanding of smooth and cardiac muscles.

Skeletal Muscle

Skeletal muscles are the muscles that are attached to your bones and allow you to move. They are voluntary muscles, meaning you can consciously control their movement. Skeletal muscles are striated, which means they have a striped appearance under a microscope. This is due to the arrangement of protein filaments within the muscle fibers.

Smooth Muscle

Smooth muscles are found in the walls of hollow organs like your stomach, intestines, and blood vessels. They are involuntary muscles, meaning you cannot consciously control their movement. Smooth muscles are not striated, and their contractions are typically slower and more sustained than skeletal muscle contractions.

Cardiac Muscle

Cardiac muscle is a special type of muscle found only in the heart. It is involuntary and striated. Cardiac muscle cells are connected by intercalated discs, which allow for coordinated contractions that pump blood throughout the body.

Unit 2 Basic Physiology: Definition and terminologies

Physiology is the scientific study of the functions and processes of living organisms and their parts. It seeks to understand how organisms, from the smallest cells to complex organ systems, work together to maintain life.

Organ Systems

The human body is organized into several major organ systems, each with a specific function:

Understanding Physiology

Physiology is a complex and fascinating field that explores how our bodies work. It is essential for understanding health and disease, developing new treatments, and improving our quality of life. By mastering the basic terminologies and concepts of physiology, you will gain a deeper understanding of how your body functions and how it interacts with the world around you.

Major Systems of the Human Body  

1. Circulatory System:

Function: Transports oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells; removes waste products like carbon dioxide.

Key Organs: Heart (pump), blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries), blood (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, plasma).

Interesting Facts:

The average adult heart beats about 100,000 times a day.

If you laid out all the blood vessels in an adult end-to-end, they would stretch for about 60,000 miles.

2. Digestive System:

Function: Breaks down food into nutrients the body can absorb; eliminates waste.

Key Organs: Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, pancreas, gallbladder.

Interesting Facts:

The small intestine is about 22 feet long in an adult.

The digestive process can take anywhere from 24 to 72 hours.

3. Musculoskeletal System:

Function: Provides support, shape, and movement to the body; protects internal organs.

Key Components: Bones (skeleton), muscles, tendons (connect muscle to bone), ligaments (connect bone to bone), joints.

Interesting Facts:

The human body has 206 bones.

The strongest muscle in the human body is the masseter (jaw muscle).

4. Nervous System:

Function: Controls and coordinates body functions; senses and responds to internal and external stimuli.

Key Components: Brain, spinal cord, nerves (neurons).

Interesting Facts:

The brain is the most complex organ in the human body.

Nerve impulses can travel at speeds of up to 268 miles per hour.

5. Respiratory System:

Function: Takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide (gas exchange).

Key Organs: Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs.

Interesting Facts:

The surface area of the lungs is roughly the same size as a tennis court.

An average person breathes about 20,000 times a day.

Key Points 

Interconnectedness: Emphasize how these systems work together to maintain overall health.

Health and Wellness: Discuss how lifestyle choices (diet, exercise, sleep) impact the function of these systems.

Curiosity: Encourage students to ask questions and explore further details about each system.

Exercise Physiology

The study of the body's responses to physical activity. These responses include changes in metabolism,  cardiovascular function (heart and blood vessels), respiratory function (lungs), muscle function, and the nervous system. It also involves understanding how the body adapts to repeated exercise over time.  

Physiological responses of the circulatory and respiratory systems to exercise:

Circulatory System Responses:

Respiratory System Responses:

Combined Effects:

The circulatory and respiratory systems work together during exercise. The respiratory system takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide, while the circulatory system transports these gases to and from the tissues. The increased ventilation and blood flow to the lungs during exercise ensure that the muscles receive the oxygen they need to produce energy and that carbon dioxide is efficiently removed.   

 Temperature regulation and the environment's influence:

Temperature Regulation:

The human body strives to maintain a core temperature of around 37°C (98.6°F) for optimal functioning.

 This delicate balance is known as thermoregulation, achieved through intricate physiological processes.   

Mechanisms of Heat Production:

Mechanisms of Heat Loss:

Environmental Impact:

The environment plays a crucial role in how the body regulates temperature:

Examples of Environmental Impact:

By understanding how the environment impacts temperature regulation, we can better protect ourselves and others from heat and cold-related illnesses. It also highlights the importance of adapting our behaviors (e.g., clothing choices, activity levels, and hydration) to different environmental conditions.

VO₂ Max (Maximal Oxygen Uptake)


Definition: Exercise aimed at increasing muscle strength and power.

Significance: Enhances muscle mass, bone density, and metabolic rate.

Training Adaptation: Primarily improved by resistance exercises (weightlifting, bodyweight exercises).

Benefits of  Training

Enhanced Performance: Improved endurance, strength, and power.

Injury Prevention: Stronger muscles and better movement patterns can reduce injury risk.

Overall Health: Improved cardiovascular health, metabolic function, and body composition.

Important Considerations

Training Experience: Beginners may see greater initial gains in both VO₂ max and strength.

Genetics: Individual genetic factors can influence the rate and magnitude of adaptation.

Nutrition: Proper nutrition is crucial for supporting training adaptations and recovery.

Exercise Biochemistry

Exercise biochemistry delves into the chemical processes and reactions that occur within the body during physical activity. It explores the roles of macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals in energy production, muscle function, and overall exercise performance.

Metabolism of Macronutrients

Vitamins and Minerals

Neural Control of Movement and Muscle Activity

Types of Movement:

Related Sciences  

Portions for First Internal ends

Exercise metabolism involves the complex interplay of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins to provide energy for muscle contraction and sustain physical activity. 


Lipids (Fats)


Factors Influencing Fuel Utilization

Key Points:

Sports Nutrition: Macro and Micronutrients

Why is nutrition important?




Pre, During, and Post-Exercise Nutrition

Key Takeaways: