Module 3
To a Reason - Arthur Rimbaud
A tap of your finger on the drum releases all sounds and initiates the new harmony.
A step of yours is the conscription of the new men and their marching orders.
You look away: the new love!
You look back,—the new love!
“Change our fates, shoot down the plagues,
beginning with time,” the children sing to you.
“Build wherever you can the substance of our fortunes and our wishes,” they beg you.
Arriving from always, you’ll go away everywhere.
Source: Poetry (April 2011)
A rap of your finger on the drum
fires all the sounds
and starts a new harmony.
A step of yours: the levy of new men
and their marching on.
Your head turns away:
O the new love!
Your head turns back:
O the new love!
"Change our lots, confound the plagues,
beginning with time,"
to you these children sing.
"Raise no matter where the substance
of our fortune and our desires,"
they beg you.
Arrival of all time,
who will go everywhere.
To a Reason’ by Arthur Rimbaud,
translated by Robin Boothroyd
A tap of your finger on the drum unleashes the sounds and weaves a new harmony.
At your footfalls new men sign up and march out.
Your head turns away: new love! Turns back––new love!
“Change our lots, flatten the scourge, start with time,” the children sing to you.
“Raise the substance of our fortunes and our vows wherever possible,” they plead.
You step out of always. Now make for everywhere.