
Module IV 

Unit 1 Introduction to Sports medicine: Introduction, scope and terminologies  

Unit 2 First Aid and safety measures during training and performance 

Unit 3 Sports Physiotherapy 

Unit 4  Ergogenic aids, Drugs and doping  

Unit 5 Athlete safety 

Unit 1: Introduction to Sports Medicine


Sports medicine is a multidisciplinary field that focuses on the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries related to physical activity and sports. It encompasses a wide range of healthcare professionals, including physicians, athletic trainers, physical therapists, and exercise physiologists, who work together to optimize the health and performance of athletes and active individuals.

The field of sports medicine has grown significantly in recent years due to increased participation in sports and physical activity at all levels, from recreational to professional. Advances in technology and research have also contributed to the development of new techniques and approaches for preventing and treating sports-related injuries.

Scope of Sports Medicine:

The scope of sports medicine is broad and encompasses various aspects of healthcare related to physical activity and sports, including:


Unit 2: First Aid and Safety Measures during Training and Performance


In the realm of sports and physical activity, injuries are an unfortunate reality. Whether it's a minor sprain or a major fracture, being prepared to handle such situations is paramount. This unit focuses on equipping individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide immediate care in the event of an injury and to proactively implement safety measures to prevent them.

First Aid

Safety Measures during Training and Performance


Prevention is key, but being prepared to act when needed can make all the difference.

Unit 3: Sports Physiotherapy


Sports physiotherapy is a specialized branch of physiotherapy that focuses on the prevention, assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries and conditions related to sports and physical activity. It plays a crucial role in helping athletes and active individuals recover from injuries, improve their performance, and prevent future problems.

Key Concepts

Specific Conditions and Treatments


Sports physiotherapy plays a vital role in helping athletes and active individuals achieve their optimal physical potential. By utilizing a combination of evidence-based techniques and personalized treatment plans, sports physiotherapists can help individuals recover from injuries, improve their performance, and prevent future problems, allowing them to continue enjoying the benefits of sports and physical activity for years to come.