M2, M3 & M4

Unit 2: (8 Hrs)

Finance Ethics Level of Knowledge : Basic

The need for ethics in finance, the field of finance ethics

Unit 3: (7 Hrs)

Fundamentals of finance ethics Level of Knowledge : Basic

A framework for ethics: Agents, fiduciaries, and professionals, conflict of interest

Fundamentals of Finance Ethics

Key Principles of Finance Ethics

Challenges to Finance Ethics

Fundamentals of Finance Ethics (Basic Level)


Finance ethics is the application of ethical principles to financial transactions and activities. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including:

Key Principles of Finance Ethics:

Importance of Finance Ethics:

Challenges to Finance Ethics:

Examples of Ethical Dilemmas in Finance:


Finance ethics is essential for maintaining the integrity of the financial system and protecting investors and consumers. Financial professionals have a responsibility to adhere to ethical principles in all of their dealings.

A Framework for Ethics: Agents, Fiduciaries, and Professionals


This framework helps to understand the ethical responsibilities of different roles in finance and business.

1. Agents:

Example: A real estate agent acting on behalf of a home buyer.

2. Fiduciaries:

Example: A trustee managing a trust fund for a beneficiary.

3. Professionals:

Example: A financial advisor providing investment advice to a client.

Conflict of Interest:

Managing Conflicts of Interest:

Ethics in Investment

Investing can be a complex and multifaceted endeavor, with various ethical considerations to navigate. Here are some key ethical principles to consider:

 - Fiduciary Duty: Investment professionals have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of their clients. This includes:

- Fairness and Transparency: Ethical investors strive for fairness and transparency in all their dealings. This includes:

 - Social Responsibility: Ethical investors may consider the social and environmental impact of their investments. This includes:

 - Ethical Considerations in Different Asset Classes:

Challenges and Considerations:

Unit 4: (7 Hrs)

Mutual funds, relationship investing, socially responsible investing, microfinance

Ethics in Investment

Ethics in Investment