Communication Skills in English
Syllabus & Modules
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Courses Objectives
To develop the confidence to respond in English during situations where the use of English is imperative
To develop fluency in actual conversation in the English language.
To develop the speech skills necessary for confident and intelligent participation in group discussion and to make formal and extempore speeches in English.
To develop the skills related to teamwork and to take up team leader roles in society as well as in the future workplaces.
Learning Outcomes
Learners improve their ability to express themselves in English in formal and informal situations.
They identify the linguistic and pragmatic variations in English in relation to context and speakers.
They attain an advanced level of mastery in all the macro skills of English.
Course Outline
Module I:
Communication Theory
Brief History of Human Communication-Meaning- Importance and Process- Characteristics of Communication-Objectives –Types of Communication-Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication- Models of Communication and Modeling: Linear Model & Transactional
Model- Communication Competence.
Module II:
Day-to-day English
At a restaurant-ordering,
offering, polite questions- At a bus
stop- making requests, enquiring, giving suggestions, asking for directions-At a hospital-seeking help, giving instructions- At a school/college- encouraging, expressing probability, obligations.
(Enough oral drills in diverse realistic situations, both in pairs and groups, have to
be done to ensure maximum performative skills of learners)
Module III: Oral communication skills
Presentations Skills
(pair/single)- specific language/expressions for starting a
presentation-introducing point-listing ideas-comparing and contrasting-concluding a topic. Mock TV News Reading-pitch-intonation, rhythm-Preparing and presenting short skits-enacting scenes from dramas. Preparing and delivering speeches-welcome,
inaugural, presidential, and vote of thanks-extempore speeches-Evaluating oral presentations.
(Learners have to be sensitized and exposed to the language/expressions used in these different contexts. They also have to be given adequate practice to improve their performative abilities in English )
IV: English for Discussion/Debating Skills
Group Discussion-(controlled, guided and free) guidelines-polite expressions for
disagreeing, agreeing, adding, interrupting, suggesting-Mock Press Conference-Polite expressions for seeking/ expressing opinions in formal contexts- Demonstration-(language-focused like cookery show, introducing a product, its function, etc ) vocabulary
and structures used in this.
Core Texts
Taylor, Grant. Situational Conversational Practise. New Delhi: Tata Macgraw Hill, 1975.
Sunitha K.S, Annie Pothan & Sumitha Joy. Communication Skills for English Conversation
Practice: A Practice Guide to Improve Conversation Skills. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers
Practice Workbook
Premanand M E & Prasanth V G et al. Nuts and Bolts of English.
Dept. of English, 2017. ISBN 978-81-920171-3-6
Suggested reading
Chris, and Rod Bolitho. English for Specific Purpose. London: Macmillan, 1984
Gaber, Don. How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends. New Delhi: Sudha
Publication. 1994.
Neil. Communication and Language: A Handbook of Theory and Practice. Palgrave
Macmillan, 2003