Module 2 - CIBD

(Creativity, Innovation & Business Development)

M2 - Innovation and its Role in Business

M2 - Innovation and its Role in Business: Meaning and Nature

Meaning of Innovation

Innovation is the process of creating new value by introducing something novel and useful. It's not just about coming up with new ideas; it's about successfully implementing those ideas to bring about positive change. This can take the form of:  

Nature of Innovation

Innovation is:

Role of Innovation in Business

Innovation plays a crucial role in the success and sustainability of businesses in today's rapidly changing world. It helps companies:  

Innovation is more than just a buzzword; it's an essential driver of business success. Using innovative methods, companies can create new value, differentiate themselves from the competition, and achieve long-term growth and sustainability. While innovation involves risks and challenges, the rewards can be substantial, leading to new opportunities, increased profitability, and a brighter future.  

Key takeaway: Innovation is the lifeblood of modern businesses, enabling them to thrive in a constantly evolving landscape.